
Posts Tagged ‘breeding’

G’day Cherry!

I was curious if you could tell me about breeding, especially when to seperate the mare and foal as I have heard a lot of conflicting things and am no longer sure who to believe! Can you help me?
Cheers Steph

Hi Steph,

I usually wean foals at 4 months. There is no harm or advantage waiting until 6 months but it is good to do it at a time when the weather doesn’t add to the stress of separation. So here in Colorado, the foals are often born in March or April and weaned in July or August. This gives them time to settle into their new routines before winter.

I leave the foal in the pasture, pen or stall where it has been living with its dam. Make sure the fences and facilities are safe. Remove the dam from the foal and be sure you put the dam in a safe place too – it’s best if the dam is out of sight and sound of the foal. Keep the mare and foal separate from each other until the foal is a yearling.

There are exceptions to every suggestion but this is a starting point for you.

Best of luck !


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